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Academic Words Level 4 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[बुरा व्यवहार करना] treat ill; abuse; treat roughly. | |
[] island; spot within another of a different color | |
[प्रकट] put forth or held out as real, actual, or intended; proper or intended to be shown | |
[साहुल] fall straight down; plunge; decline suddenly and steeply |
[आधार] a proposition upon which an argument is based; assumption; land and the buildings on it | |
[अणु] the smallest particle of substance, having all the properties of that substance | |
[मज़ाक] gear; tackle; the combination of tackles for hoisting or lowering the lower yards of a ship | |
[ताकना] gaze intently; stare; scrutinize; read or study carefully and attentively |
[घातक निंदनीय] capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable | |
[ताकना] gaze intently; stare; scrutinize; read or study carefully and attentively | |
[बढ़ाना] intensify; increase; make greater in size; enlarge | |
[overwrought] extremely disturbed from emotion |
[खरीद] bring into possession; cause to accrue to, or to come into possession of; cause to come | |
[नाइट्रोजन] colorless nonmetallic element, tasteless and odorless, comprising four-fifths of the atmosphere by volume | |
[बुरा व्यवहार करना] treat ill; abuse; treat roughly. | |
[रंग] a substance used as coloring; dry coloring matter |
[शून्य] nothing; of no account; worthless; zero | |
[शुरू] beginning; start; origin; time at which something is supposed to begin | |
[अणु] the smallest particle of substance, having all the properties of that substance | |
[पराभव] throw over; overturn; upset; turn upside down; cause to fall or to fail |
[शून्य] nothing; of no account; worthless; zero | |
[पोषण] provide with nourishment; provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth | |
[आधार] a proposition upon which an argument is based; assumption; land and the buildings on it | |
[बेदखल] expel; eject from a position or place; force out |
[बेदखल] expel; eject from a position or place; force out | |
[जारी रहती है] continue; insist; persevere | |
[विरोधाभास] something apparently contradictory in nature; a statement that looks false but is actually correct | |
[विभाजन] divide into parts, pieces, or sections |
[बुरा व्यवहार करना] treat ill; abuse; treat roughly. | |
[रंग] a substance used as coloring; dry coloring matter | |
[पुरानी] strong protest or objection; loud cry or clamor | |
[शून्य] nothing; of no account; worthless; zero |
[रंग] a substance used as coloring; dry coloring matter | |
[मूल भाव] dominant theme or central idea; repeated figure or design in architecture or decoration | |
[नगण्य] so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded | |
[समय - समय] in a regular periodic manner; intermittently |
[प्राच्य] of or relating to the countries of the orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern | |
[व्याप्त] pass or flow through, as an aperture; permeate; pass or spread through the whole extent of | |
[overwrought] extremely disturbed from emotion | |
[नौगम्य] wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered |