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Academic Words Level 4 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[横行] unrestrained and violent; occurring without restraint | |
[厳しい] full of rigors; harsh; rigidly accurate; precise | |
[湧水] pass gradually or leak through, as if through small openings | |
[トランセンド] surpass; exceed; pass beyond the limits of |
[強化] give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance | |
[秘話] not told; not related; not revealed | |
[後退] move back; retreat; withdraw a claim or pretension | |
[同期] happen at the same time; arrange or represent events so that they co-occur |
[放棄] give up something with reluctance; retire from; give up or abandon | |
[渦巻く] cause to revolve or writhe; twist about; turn; twist | |
[奮起] become active; excite, as to anger or action; stir up; awaken | |
[スラム] a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions |
[軽蔑] extreme and lofty contempt; haughty disregard; expression of mockery, derision, contempt, or disdain | |
[隠退] isolate; separate; keep away from others | |
[繰り返し] act of doing or performing again | |
[流行] popular fashion; current state or style of general acceptance and use |
[奮起] become active; excite, as to anger or action; stir up; awaken | |
[乱] characterized by unrest or disorder | |
[秘話] not told; not related; not revealed | |
[スコーチ] burn superficially; parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; affect painfully with heat; burn |
[支流] a branch that flows into the mainstream; tending to bring about; being partly responsible for | |
[実証] establish by evidence; make firm or solid; support | |
[トランジスタ] a small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts | |
[農村] country; relating to rural areas |
[支流] a branch that flows into the mainstream; tending to bring about; being partly responsible for | |
[新芽] have new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud; shoot up | |
[隠退] isolate; separate; keep away from others | |
[減算] remove a part from the whole |
[構造] of structure; affecting structure; constructional | |
[パージ] remove or get rid of something unwanted; free from blame or guilt; cleanse or purify | |
[治まる] settle down; sink to a lower level or form depression; wear off or die down | |
[活用] make useful; find a practical use for; utilize |
[テナント] possession or occupancy of lands or buildings under a lease; temporary possession of what belongs to another | |
[横行] unrestrained and violent; occurring without restraint | |
[代価以下の請求] charge below or under; charge less than is usual or suitable | |
[常駐] dwell; live in a place permanently or for an extended period |
[強化] give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance | |
[尊敬] treat with great respect and deference; consider hallowed or be in awe of | |
[構造] of structure; affecting structure; constructional | |
[怖がら] frighten; fill with terror |