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Academic Words Level 5 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[樹液,汁液] the liquid that carries food to all parts of a plant; essential bodily fluid | |
[抵抗的,有抵抗力的] unaffected; incapable of being affected | |
[批判] disown; refuse to acknowledge; reject validity or authority of | |
[郊區] outskirts; usually residential area or community outlying a city |
[大帆船,大酒杯,大篷車] originally, a small vessel with two masts; ship; large goblet or drinking glass | |
[抵抗的,有抵抗力的] unaffected; incapable of being affected | |
[一點兒,少量] the smallest part or particle imaginable; an iota | |
[肆無忌憚的,無道德原則的] unprincipled; lacking honesty |
[有毒的] poisonous; secreting and transmitting venom; marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful | |
[長袍,禮服] an outer garment; dress of rich, flowing, and elegant style or make; dress of state, rank, office | |
[口吃,結巴] make involuntary stops in uttering syllables or words; hesitate or falter in speaking; speak with stops and difficulty | |
[徹底的,廣泛的] extensive; having wide-ranging influence or effect: |
[煙霧] air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog | |
[堅定的,強壯的] marked by imposing physical strength; firmly built; firm, and resolute | |
[顯著的,突出的,卓越的] prominent or protruding; projecting outwardly; moving by leaps or springs | |
[肆無忌憚的,無道德原則的] unprincipled; lacking honesty |
[傾斜的,有坡度的] slanting; inclining or inclined from the plane of the horizon | |
[振動的] shaking or vibrating movement; slight quiver | |
[殺,殘殺] put to death with a weapon, or by violence; kill; put an end to; destroy; overwhelm, as with laughter or love | |
[樹液,汁液] the liquid that carries food to all parts of a plant; essential bodily fluid |
[老練,精緻複雜] being expert or having knowledge of some technical subject | |
[蜂蠟,蠟狀物] any of various natural, oily, or greasy heat-sensitive substances | |
[垃圾,廢物] garbage; rubbish; worthless or discarded material or objects | |
[大帆船,大酒杯,大篷車] originally, a small vessel with two masts; ship; large goblet or drinking glass |
[樹液,汁液] the liquid that carries food to all parts of a plant; essential bodily fluid | |
[耳語,低聲說話] speaking in a quiet voice; soft speech produced without a full voice; secretly expressed belief, rumor, or hint | |
[口吃,結巴] make involuntary stops in uttering syllables or words; hesitate or falter in speaking; speak with stops and difficulty | |
[懇求] request earnestly; seek to obtain by persuasion or formal application |
[存在,生存] something that has real or substantial existence; means of support or maintain life | |
[搓,織,編飾,(使)纏繞] act of twisting; lightweight cord | |
[皇室,版稅(付給著作人的錢)] being royal; quality of royal person; share of the product, as a percentage paid to the copyright owner | |
[曬斑,曬黑] redness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun |
[斥責,責備] expression of blame or censure; censure for a fault; a reproach | |
[存在,生存] something that has real or substantial existence; means of support or maintain life | |
[包紮,翹起,彎曲] cause something or someone to no longer do what is usual or right; state of being twisted or bent out of shape | |
[郊區] outskirts; usually residential area or community outlying a city |
[蜂群,一大群] move or gather in large numbers; be overrun | |
[皇室,版稅(付給著作人的錢)] being royal; quality of royal person; share of the product, as a percentage paid to the copyright owner | |
[抵抗的,有抵抗力的] unaffected; incapable of being affected | |
[顯著的,突出的,卓越的] prominent or protruding; projecting outwardly; moving by leaps or springs |