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  Academic Words Level 3 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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v. [ライバル] compete; be equal to in quality or ability; match

Spelling Word: rival
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v. [サルベージ] save from loss or destruction; rescue of a ship; save for further use

Spelling Word: salvage
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n. [シャフト] axes; vertical passage into a mine; long narrow stem or body of a spear or arrow

Spelling Word: shaft
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n. [包囲] seat, especially a royal seat; throne or rank; sitting before a fortified place; surrounding of a place by an army

Spelling Word: siege
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n. [スローガンスロット] broad, flat, wooden bar; slat or slot; narrow opening; slit; the position of employment

Spelling Word: slot
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n. [概要] brief statement that presents the main points

Spelling Word: summary
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n. [トークン] something intended or supposed to represent another thing; sign or symbol; memorial of friendship

Spelling Word: token
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v. [震え] shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, or weakness; quake; quiver; shiver; shudder

Spelling Word: tremble
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n. [ささいなこと] a thing of very little value or importance

Spelling Word: trifle
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n. [枝] small branch or division of a branch

Spelling Word: twig