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  Academic Words Level 3 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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n. [встречи] meeting at a prearranged time and place; popular gathering place; prearranged meeting point for troops or ships

Spelling Word: rendezvous
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v. [сдерживать] keep under control; hold back; place limits on

Spelling Word: restrain
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n. [обода] border, edge, or margin of a thing, usually of something circular or curving

Spelling Word: rim
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v. [седло] load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride

Spelling Word: saddle
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n. [неудача] unanticipated or sudden check in progress; change from better to worse; obstacle, delay, or disadvantage

Spelling Word: setback
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a. [статического] having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary

Spelling Word: static
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a. [излишки] remainder; more than is needed; quantity much larger than is needed; remaining

Spelling Word: surplus
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a. [территориальных] pertaining to territory or land; limited to a certain district

Spelling Word: territorial
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n. [турнир] contest; sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner

Spelling Word: tournament
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v. [дрожать] shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, or weakness; quake; quiver; shiver; shudder

Spelling Word: tremble