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a. [曲がった] urgently needed; absolutely necessary; essential; acute; crucial; decisive

Spelling Word: critical
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n. [通貨] money; general acceptance or use

Spelling Word: currency
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n. [明け方] time each morning at which daylight first begins; beginning; start

Spelling Word: dawn
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v. [お届け] set free from restraint; set at liberty; release; give or transfer

Spelling Word: deliver
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a. [絶望] having lost all hope; dangerous; extremely intense

Spelling Word: desperate
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n. [ディメンション] a measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length; size; aspect; element

Spelling Word: dimension
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v. [保証] make sure or certain; insure; assure

Spelling Word: ensure
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n. [エッセイ] composition of any particular subject, usually shorter than a formal paper

Spelling Word: essay
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n. [落ちたファンシー] capricious notion; something many people believe that is false

Spelling Word: fancy
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a. [幻想的] excellent; extraordinary;  strange in form, conception, or appearance

Spelling Word: fantastic