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  Academic Words Level 1 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [ревнивый] resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious

Spelling Word: jealous
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a. [чудесный] wonderful; extraordinarily good

Spelling Word: marvelous
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n. [максимальной] the largest possible quantity

Spelling Word: maximum
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v. [Изменить] alter; change something such as a plan, opinion, law to improve

Spelling Word: modify
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n. [одержимость] compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion

Spelling Word: obsession
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n. [Предложение] act of presenting; something, such as a suggestion, proposal, bid, or recommendation

Spelling Word: offer
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n. [отцовства] relation of a father to his child

Spelling Word: paternity
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n. [плагин] something, such as a cork or a wad of cloth, used to fill a hole tightly; stopper

Spelling Word: plug
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n. [порт] place on a waterway with facilities for loading and unloading ships

Spelling Word: port
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n. [плакат] a sign posted in public place as an advertisement

Spelling Word: poster