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  Academic Words Level 1 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [帶,緞帶,絲帶,勳章的綬帶] fillet or narrow woven fabric, commonly of silk; a narrow strip of fine material used for trimming

Spelling Word: ribbon
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ad. [圓的,圓形的,球形的,弧形的] by moving in or forming a circle; from beginning to end; throughout; to a specific place or person

Spelling Word: round
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v. [擦,揩拭,摩擦] move over the surface with pressure and friction; spread a substance thinly over

Spelling Word: rub
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v. [筆跡,手跡,劇本,原稿] prepare text for filming or broadcasting

Spelling Word: script
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a. [淺的] lacking physical depth; not deep or strong

Spelling Word: shallow
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n. [震動,震驚] unpleasant or disappointing surprise; surprise greatly; effect of such a collision or blow

Spelling Word: shock
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a. [清醒的,莊重的] not extreme; marked by seriousness or gravity; not affected by the use of drugs;  self-restraint

Spelling Word: sober
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a. [獨奏曲] composed or performed by a single voice or instrument; unaccompanied; single

Spelling Word: solo
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v. [(人)倖免於難,活下來,(物)耐久] continue to live; endure or last

Spelling Word: survive
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v. [中和,回火,調劑,鍛煉] moderate; tone down or restrain;  bring to the desired consistency; adjust finely

Spelling Word: temper