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  Academic Words Level 2 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [декоративные] ornamental; embellishing; serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose

Spelling Word: decorative
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a. [дефектных] having a defect; faulty; imperfect; incomplete; lacking

Spelling Word: defective
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n. [определение] clarity of outline; concise explanation

Spelling Word: definition
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n. [амортизация] devaluation; decrease in price or value

Spelling Word: depreciation
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n. [перемещение] act of removing from office or employment

Spelling Word: displacement
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v. [делит] sever into two or more parts or pieces; separate into parts; cause to be separate

Spelling Word: divide
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n. [выборы] voting; balloting; right or ability to make a choice

Spelling Word: election
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n. [волнение] state of being emotionally aroused

Spelling Word: excitement
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n. [захватывающие] creating or producing excitement

Spelling Word: exciting
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n. [истощение] act of draining out or draining off; the act of emptying of the contents; state of being exhausted

Spelling Word: exhaustion