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  Academic Words Level 4 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. the sum of money to be divided and distributed; share of a sum divided that falls to individuals; a distribute sum

Spelling Word: dividend
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a. questionable; filled with doubt

Spelling Word: dubious
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v. shrink; reduce in size; become less

Spelling Word: dwindle
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v. give a bodily form to; represent in a bodily or material form; incorporate

Spelling Word: embody
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v. bring out; arouse; call forth

Spelling Word: evoke
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a. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; exceeding proper limits

Spelling Word: exorbitant
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n. shortage of food; starvation

Spelling Word: famine
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v. pattern; design; set into a specific pattern

Spelling Word: format
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a. very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren

Spelling Word: gaunt
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n. a brief explanation of words often placed at the back of a book

Spelling Word: glossary