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n. [假名,筆名] pen name; fictitious name used when someone performs a particular social role

Spelling Word: pseudonym
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a. [準時的,按時的] consisting in a point; limited to a point; unexpended; precise

Spelling Word: punctual
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ad. [每季地] every three months; in three-month intervals

Spelling Word: quarterly
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a. [導致毀滅的,使人破產的] causing, or tending to cause ruin; destructive; baneful; pernicious

Spelling Word: ruinous
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ad. [幾乎不,簡直沒有] hardly; barely; only just

Spelling Word: scarcely
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a. [補充的] added to complete or make up a deficiency

Spelling Word: supplementary
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v. [超越] be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed

Spelling Word: surpass
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n. [電信,遠距離通訊,電信學] electronic systems used in transmitting messages

Spelling Word: telecommunication
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n. [聚集] large group of people gathered or crowded closely together

Spelling Word: throng
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a. [尚好的,尚可以的,可以忍受的] capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either physically or mentally

Spelling Word: tolerable