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  Academic Words Level 5 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [vây] form a circle about; enclose within a circle or ring; surround

Spelling Word: encircle
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n. [cố gắng] earnest activity intended to do or accomplish something; exertion powers to attain an object

Spelling Word: endeavor
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n. [lời kêu gọi] act of inciting to laudable deeds; incitement to that which is good; language intended to incite and encourage

Spelling Word: exhortation
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a. [gấp] bending so that one part covers the other

Spelling Word: folding
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n. [chú thích] a printed note placed below the text on a printed page; add explanatory notes to

Spelling Word: footnote
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v. [đàn] gather, keep, or drive animals together; gather and place into a group or mass

Spelling Word: herd
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n. [di truyền] genetics; inheritance; the genetic transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring

Spelling Word: heredity
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n. [cản trở] any structure that makes progress difficult; stumbling-block

Spelling Word: impediment
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a. [hách] urgent or pressing; able to deal authoritatively; dictatorial

Spelling Word: imperious
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a. [vô] having no personal preference; objective

Spelling Word: impersonal