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  Academic Words Level 5 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [顏料,染料] color a material, especially by soaking in a coloring solution; take on or impart color

Spelling Word: dye
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n. [宏偉的建築物] the building, especially one of imposing appearance or size; a structure that has a roof and walls

Spelling Word: edifice
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a. [苛刻的] making severe demands; demanding a lot of effort, care, or attention

Spelling Word: exacting
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ad. [過份地] in a very great degree; beyond what is usual; surpassingly

Spelling Word: exceedingly
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v. [枯竭,耗盡,疲倦] wear out completely; tire; drain of resources or properties; deplete; use up completely

Spelling Word: exhaust
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v. [開脫,免罪] acquit; free from blame; discharge from duty

Spelling Word: exonerate
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v. [(笨拙地)摸索,搜尋] feel or grope about; make awkward attempts to do or find something; play childishly

Spelling Word: fumble
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a. [接近的,附近的] close in time; about to occur; approaching

Spelling Word: impending
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a. [察覺不到的] impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses

Spelling Word: imperceptible
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n. [無限的時間或空間] the unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity

Spelling Word: infinity