pacify: v. Syn. soothe; subdue (安抚,平静) ease anger or agitation of; make calm or quiet; end war or violence | paddle: v. (划桨,用桨划,戏水,玩水) row slowly and gently; move through water by means of repeated short strokes of the limbs |
pageant: n. (壮观的游行,露天历史剧) elaborate exhibition devised for the entertainment; show, spectacle, or display | painstaking: a. (辛勤的) extremely careful and diligent work or effort; taking of pains |
palatable: a. Syn. agreeable (可接受的,美味的) acceptable; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten | palpitate: v. (拍动,跳动,搏动) beat rapidly; shake with fast, tremulous movements |
pamper: v. (纵容,过分关怀) feed to the full; feed luxuriously; glut; indulge with rich food | pamphlet: n. (小册子) brochure; leaflet; a small book usually having a paper cover |
panorama: v. (全景,概观) complete view in every direction. | pant: v. (喘气,喘息) breathe quickly or in a labored manner; respire with heaving of the breast; sigh |
parachute: n. (降落伞) rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall | paradigm: n. Syn. model; example; pattern (典范,模式) one that serves as a pattern or model; system of assumptions, concepts, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality |
paradox: n. Syn. contradiction (悖论) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct | paragraph: n. ((文章的)段,段落,(报纸的)一则新闻) distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line |
parallel: n. Syn. similarity; analogy (类似,相似) make or place something to another's side; of or relating to multiple operations at same time; not intersecting | paralyse: v. Syn. paralyze (瘫痪,废止) make unable to move or act; impair the progress or functioning of |
paralysis: n. Syn. apoplexy (瘫痪,中风) loss of the ability to move a body part | parameter: n. (参数,参量) characteristic or feature that distinguishes something from others |
paramount: a. Syn. supreme; dominant (极为重要的) foremost in importance; supreme in rank | paranoia: n. (妄想狂,偏执狂) psychological disorder by delusions; extreme, irrational distrust of others |