PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (F G) - Matching Quizzes |
(衣服) any article of clothing, as coat or gown | |
(教職員) inherent power or ability; body of persons with specific professional powers | |
(偉業) achievement; accomplishment | |
(怒り) violent anger; rage; uncontrolled action; turbulence |
(偉業) achievement; accomplishment | |
(霜) ice crystal; weather cold enough to cause freezing; provide with a rough surface or appearance | |
(泡) white substance, consisting of an aggregation of bubbles, which is formed on the surface of liquids | |
(うめき) give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing |
(浮気) deal playfully; move abruptly; toss or flip suddenly | |
(支柱) display proudly or shamelessly; show oneself off | |
(別れ) acknowledgment at parting; goodbye; act of departing or taking leave | |
(炉) enclosed place in which heat is produced; place or time of punishment or great trial; intensely hot place |
(衣服) any article of clothing, as coat or gown | |
(こだわり) difficult to please; having complicated requirements; excessively particular demanding about details | |
(浮気) deal playfully; move abruptly; toss or flip suddenly | |
(教職員) inherent power or ability; body of persons with specific professional powers |
(生殖) bacteria; earliest form of an organism; seed | |
(フォーラム) place to discuss public concerns; meeting or medium for open discussion | |
(ヒューズ) combine; blend; become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat | |
(必死) highly excited with strong emotion; disordered or nervous activity |
(フォーラム) place to discuss public concerns; meeting or medium for open discussion | |
(顔をしかめ) look angry; wrinkle one's forehead; regard something with disapproval or distaste | |
(一般) reach conclusion; become systemic and spread throughout the body | |
(流暢) easy and graceful in shape; graceful; smooth and unconstrained in movement |
(別れ) acknowledgment at parting; goodbye; act of departing or taking leave | |
(ヒューズ) combine; blend; become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat | |
(かすか) dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light; faint glow; shimmer | |
(挫折) make null; bring to nothing; prevent from taking effect or attaining fulfillment |
(フリッカー) flutter; flap the wings without flying; waver unsteadily, like a flame in a current of air | |
(フラップ) flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side; act of waving or fluttering; blow given with something flat; slap | |
(怒り) violent anger; rage; uncontrolled action; turbulence | |
(別れ) acknowledgment at parting; goodbye; act of departing or taking leave |
(生殖) bacteria; earliest form of an organism; seed | |
(製造) build; put together out of components or parts | |
(地質学) science which treats the structure and mineral constitution of the globe | |
(ヒューズ) combine; blend; become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat |
(要旨) most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; central idea | |
(別れ) acknowledgment at parting; goodbye; act of departing or taking leave | |
(かすか) dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light; faint glow; shimmer | |
(うめき) give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing |