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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 12 |
New Known Review |
chronicle |
v. [编年史] report or record in chronological order The gossip columnist was paid to chronicle the latest escapades of the socially prominent celebrities. |
New Known Review |
cite |
v. [引用,掌握] quote; adduce as an instance She could cite passages in the Bible from memory. |
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New Known Review |
clairvoyant |
n. [预知,预言者] having foresight; fortuneteller The Trojans did not heed Cassandra's clairvoyant warning. |
New Known Review |
clandestine |
a. [秘密] secret; conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods After avoiding their chaperon, the lovers had a clandestine meeting. |
New Known Review |
clasp |
n. [扣合,紧密合作] fastening device; firm grip When the clasp on Judy's bracelet broke, Fred repaired it, bending the hook back into shape. |
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New Known Review |
New Known Review |
clip |
n. [小夹子,回形针,弹夹,选录,摘录] a small section of filmed or filed material Phil's job at Fox Sports involved selecting the most important clip of the day's sporting highlights for later broadcast. |
New Known Review |
clout |
n. [(用手)敲,猛击,打] blow, especially with the fist; great influence, especially political or social But then again, the new administration's foreign policy clout is yet to be truly tested. |
New Known Review |
coalition |
n. [伙伴,同盟,集合] partnership; league; state of being combined into one body The Rainbow coalition united people of all races in a common cause. |
New Known Review |
coercion |
n. [威逼,强迫] use of force to get someone to obey The inquisitors used physical and psychological coercion to force Joan of Arc to deny that God sent her visions. |
New Known Review |
coin |
v. [铸币,发明,杜撰] make pieces of money from metal; invent or fabricate Slanderers coin nasty rumors. |
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New Known Review |
collage |
n. [拼贴画] work of art put together from fragments Scraps of cloth, paper doilies, and old photographs all went into her collage. |
New Known Review |
collateral |
n. [抵押品] security pledged for repayment of loan The sum you wish to borrow is so large that it must be secured by collateral. |
New Known Review |
colossal |
a. [巨大] of extraordinary size; huge; gigantic Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage. |
New Known Review |
comatose |
a. [昏迷,熟睡] in coma; extremely sleepy; unconscious We would expect a reasonable adult, if a kid is in comatose, to call an ambulance. |