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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[이겨 내기 어려운] impossible to overcome; unbeatable | |
[heterodox] unorthodox; unconventional; not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine | |
[싫증] unwillingness; lack of inclination; mild aversion | |
[공민권을 빼앗다] deprive of civil right; deprive someone of a franchise, generally their right to vote |
[공위 기간] the temporary halting of usual operations of government or control; the time between two reigns | |
[교정하다] correct; improve by critical editing; free from fault; alter for the better | |
[성직자] minister or priest; cleric; one holding an office in the Christian ministry | |
[나다] come or send forth from a source, used chiefly of an intangible thing, as light |
[교정하다] correct; improve by critical editing; free from fault; alter for the better | |
[약점] moral weakness; failing; weak point; slight fault | |
[험담] slandering; act of discrediting from someone's reputation | |
[말로 표현할 수없는] unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech |
[죄를 면하게하다] pronounce not guilty of criminal charges | |
[빙하] like a glacier; lacking warmth and friendliness; extremely cold or slow | |
[에필로그] short speech at conclusion of dramatic work | |
[거더가] the beam of steel, wood, or reinforced concrete, used as main horizontal support in building |
[죄를 면하게하다] pronounce not guilty of criminal charges | |
[공위 기간] the temporary halting of usual operations of government or control; the time between two reigns | |
[안절부절 못하다] move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly | |
[몸짓] deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture |
[까불거리며 뛰노는] full of high-spirited fun; gay; given to merry | |
[싫증] unwillingness; lack of inclination; mild aversion | |
[젠트] the most powerful members of society | |
[열렬한 expurgate가] clean; remove offensive parts of book |
[노래] poem or song expressing lamentation; mournful poem | |
[공민권을 빼앗다] deprive of civil right; deprive someone of a franchise, generally their right to vote | |
[안절부절 못하다] move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly | |
[국외로 추방된] someone who has withdrawn from his native land |
[약점] moral weakness; failing; weak point; slight fault | |
[몹시 신경을 쓰는] insisting capriciously on getting just what one wants; difficult to please; fussy | |
[이겨 내기 어려운] impossible to overcome; unbeatable | |
[말로 표현할 수없는] unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech |
[외팔] awkward or lacking in social graces; coarse and uncouth | |
[감격] inner excitement or exuberance; a process of bubbling as gas escapes | |
[훨훨 날다] fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by | |
[국외로 추방된] someone who has withdrawn from his native land |
[안절부절 못하다] move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly | |
[돈이없는] without money; poor; penniless | |
[예시하다] give indication beforehand; indicate by signs | |
[현실 도피] tendency to escape from daily reality by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment |