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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[пересушивайте] dry up thoroughly; make dry, dull, or lifeless; preserve foods by removing the moisture | |
[ровные] tranquil; not varying; uniform; not easily disturbed | |
[растворения] breaking of union; decomposition into fragments or parts; extinction of life; decay | |
[диктаторских] pertaining or suited to a dictator; absolute |
[бегство] tendency to escape from daily reality by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment | |
[неумеренного] not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in the use of alcoholic beverages | |
[кипучей] showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm | |
[объяснять] explain; make clear the meaning of; unfold meaning or sense of |
[многоточие] omission of words from a text; mark or series of marks used in writing to indicate omission | |
[выдавливания] force or push out; drive away; displace or remove, as a person from a place or office | |
[активизировать] give energy to; make forceful and active; supply with an electric current | |
[объяснять] explain; make clear the meaning of; unfold meaning or sense of |
[оскорбительной] designed to create ill will or envy | |
[интеллигенции] intelligent and educated elite, especially in nineteenth-century Poland, in Russia, and later the Soviet Union | |
[инославными] unorthodox; unconventional; not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine | |
[восхищать] please intensely; fill with great delight or joy |
[бегство] tendency to escape from daily reality by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment | |
[эпиграммы] witty thought or saying, usually short; short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation | |
[вялым] acting in strength, firmness, or resilience | |
[выдавливания] force or push out; drive away; displace or remove, as a person from a place or office |
[неосязаемый] difficult to perceive senses or mind | |
[кипучей] showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm | |
[диктаторских] pertaining or suited to a dictator; absolute | |
[беспристрастно] impartial; fair; rightly balanced; equitable |
[раскопки] unearth; dig out; make a hole in; hollow out | |
[расслабленный] weaken or destroy strength or vitality of; remove a nerve or part of a nerve | |
[активизировать] give energy to; make forceful and active; supply with an electric current | |
[нечестие] irreverence; lack of respect for God |
[оскорбительной] designed to create ill will or envy | |
[неумеренного] not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in the use of alcoholic beverages | |
[неизбирательного] choosing at random; not marked by fine distinctions | |
[выписка] passage or segment that is taken from a longer work, such as literary or musical composition |
[пересушивайте] dry up thoroughly; make dry, dull, or lifeless; preserve foods by removing the moisture | |
[оскорбительной] designed to create ill will or envy | |
[статуэтка] small ornamental statuette; small molded or sculptured figure | |
[источают] discharge; release liquid in drops or small quantities |
[неизбирательного] choosing at random; not marked by fine distinctions | |
[порывистый] intermittently stopping and starting; irregular; variable; unstable | |
[обмануть] deceive; take in by deceptive means; delude | |
[враждебны] unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental |