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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 3 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[複雜的,錯綜的,精細的] tied in knots; covered with knots or knobs; difficult to understand or solve | |
[極化,分化,兩極分化] split into opposite extremes or camps | |
[煩惱,激怒,蕁麻] cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; vex | |
[詼諧的] given to joking; merry; humorous |
[放逐] exclude from community or group; banish by popular vote | |
[好色的,淫蕩的] vigorously passionate; excessive desire, especially in sexual activity | |
[吝嗇的,貪婪的,壞的] indicative of lack of generosity; cautious with money | |
[旅程,旅行] travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim |
[歡樂歌,讚美歌] song of praise or joy; loud and joyous song; the song of triumph | |
[戲法,花招] show of skill or deceitful cleverness, considered magical by naive observers | |
[勸其改宗,改宗] induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith | |
[形態學,形態論] branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants |
[悲觀主義者] the belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess | |
[錯誤,誤解] wrong apprehension of one's meaning or a fact; misunderstanding | |
[遷徙的,流浪的] wandering; moving from place to place; unsettled | |
[疾病] disease, disorder, or ailment; unwholesome condition |
[形態學,形態論] branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants | |
[發布,公佈] proclaim doctrine or law; make known by an official publication | |
[歡樂歌,讚美歌] song of praise or joy; loud and joyous song; the song of triumph | |
[換毛,褪毛] shed or cast off hair or feathers |
[鳥類學] branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds | |
[宮殿似的,宏偉的,壯麗的] of nature of palace, as in spaciousness or ornateness | |
[僧侶的,遁入空門的,不問世事] related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns | |
[遷徙的,流浪的] wandering; moving from place to place; unsettled |
[遷徙的,流浪的] wandering; moving from place to place; unsettled | |
[發酵] cause to rise, especially by fermentation; add a rising agent to | |
[形態學,形態論] branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants | |
[勸其改宗,改宗] induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith |
[使無效] make invalid; make null; invalidate; counteract force or effectiveness of | |
[旅程,旅行] travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim | |
[有害的,有毒的,惡臭的] foul-smelling; offensive by arousing disgust; harmful or dangerous | |
[煩惱,激怒,蕁麻] cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; vex |
[鳥類學] branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds | |
[狂妄自大] mental disorder with delusions of grandeur | |
[歡樂歌,讚美歌] song of praise or joy; loud and joyous song; the song of triumph | |
[出色的,出類拔萃的] outstanding; superior to or notable above all others |
[使焦幹,使乾透,烘乾] burn the surface of; roast over the fire, as dry grain; dry to extremity | |
[健壯的,肥胖的,魁梧的] inoffensive expression of fat; stout | |
[當權者] monarch; ruler who is unconstrained by law | |
[嚇呆,石化,化石] process of turning some plant material into stone |