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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 3 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[مجزية] compensating; rewarding; profitable or paying | |
[مداهن] oily; composed of oil or fat; characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness | |
[الهدوء] calmness; peace; freedom from disturbance or agitation | |
[لا يسبر غوره] strip a priest or minister of church authority; remove from the status as a member of the clergy |
[حشوا] unnecessary repetition, especially for the same sense in different words; redundancy | |
[ذكريات] recollection; process of remembering | |
[مداهن] oily; composed of oil or fat; characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness | |
[قعة] food eaten or provided at a meal; feast; banquet |
[غمد] the case for sword blade; sheath | |
[ساخرة المضيع] one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; idler or loafer | |
[حرفي مطول] wordy; using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words | |
[التكرار] memorizing process using routine or repetition; the sound of surf breaking on the shore |
[رديئة] avoid or neglect duty or responsibility; malinger | |
[مساحة] wrap or bind with or as if with bandages | |
[المبذرة] one who spends money recklessly or wastefully | |
[ابل] release or discharge of bombs or firearms; forceful verbal or written assault |
[ابل] release or discharge of bombs or firearms; forceful verbal or written assault | |
[مدواة] capable of being remedied or cured; set straight or right | |
[أذاع] sell or offer for sale from place to place; sell | |
[غمد] the case for sword blade; sheath |
[غمد] the case for sword blade; sheath | |
[فارغ] empty; showing lack of thought or intelligence; vacant | |
[شبه أمي] barely able to read and write; able to read but not to write | |
[يفرع] divide into branches or subdivisions; subordinate branchlike parts |
[مخلب] claw of a bird of prey; part of the lock that key presses to shoot bolt | |
[لقب] nickname; familiar name for person, typically shortened version of the given name | |
[مجزية] compensating; rewarding; profitable or paying | |
[فارغ] empty; showing lack of thought or intelligence; vacant |
[مجزية] compensating; rewarding; profitable or paying | |
[المتمردة] obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority | |
[ولن يضع حدا لل] stop or check the flow of liquid; stop the flow of blood from a wound | |
[طنان] stiff and artificially formal; inflated |
[محل] replace; usurp; displace and substitute for another | |
[طيف] showing a high degree of refinement | |
[طفيف] pardonable; able to be forgiven; trivial | |
[ساخرة المضيع] one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; idler or loafer |
[المبذرة] one who spends money recklessly or wastefully | |
[حشوا] unnecessary repetition, especially for the same sense in different words; redundancy | |
[شطف] cleanse with water; flush; wash lightly without soap | |
[غدير] small brook or stream; streamlet |