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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[بطل] protect or fight for the first place | |
[ملفق] prophetic; involving or portending widespread devastation | |
[تبجح] defiant or swaggering behavior; the pretense of courage; false show of bravery | |
[مدقع] being of the most miserable kind; wretched; lacking pride; brought low in condition or status |
[نهائي] final; complete; precisely defined or explicit | |
[يعفي] pronounce clear of guilt or blame; grant remission of sin to; acquit | |
[الخيرية] generous in providing aid to others; charitable | |
[الرأفة] mildness, as of the weather; merciful, kind, or lenient act |
[قفل] fastening device; firm grip | |
[ذخيرة] military stores or provisions; articles used in weapons, as powder, balls, shot, shells | |
[المجهولين] having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name | |
[هائلة] of extraordinary size; huge; gigantic |
[الرأفة] mildness, as of the weather; merciful, kind, or lenient act | |
[الوهم] false belief; mistaken or unfounded opinion | |
[المجهولين] having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name | |
[الغرور الحمل] act of yielding; point yielded; acknowledgment or admission |
[الملخص] theoretical; not concrete; not applied or practical; difficult to understand | |
[المحن] state of misfortune, hardship, or affliction; misfortune | |
[المتضخمة] swollen or puffed as with water or air | |
[التحدث] chat; talk informally; engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts |
[القاعة] area of theater or concert hall where the audience sits | |
[تبجح] defiant or swaggering behavior; the pretense of courage; false show of bravery | |
[المجهولين] having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name | |
[خيانة] be unfaithful; reveal unconsciously or unwillingly |
[نهائي] final; complete; precisely defined or explicit | |
[قفل] fastening device; firm grip | |
[خرق] breaking of contract or duty; breaking of waves or surf; fissure or gap | |
[شهم] having qualities of ideal knight; faithful; brave |
[ساخرة] skeptical of motives of others; selfishly calculating; negative or pessimistic | |
[تميمة] object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury; charm | |
[سافر] obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; regularly travel from a place of residence to another place | |
[تصفح] graze; skim or glance at casually |
[التحدث] chat; talk informally; engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts | |
[بيروقراطية] over-regulated administrative system | |
[شعاع دمية للأطفال] ray of light; a long piece of metal or wood; long piece fixed or movable in structure, machine, or tool | |
[خشنة قوي البنية] husky; muscular and heavily built |
[خشنة قوي البنية] husky; muscular and heavily built | |
[الوكيل] one that acts on behalf of other persons or organizations | |
[بروش] ornamental clasp; decorative pin worn by women | |
[المجهولين] having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name |