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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[كبش فداء] someone who bears the blame for others | |
[بقايا القرار] determination; resolving to do something; a formal statement of a decision | |
[مملة] tiresome because of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly | |
[لم يسبق لها مثيل] having no previous example; novel; unparalleled |
[شجار] shuffle; fight or struggle confusedly at close quarters; wrestle in a rough fashion | |
[سادية] inclined to cruelty; deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on another | |
[ضبط النفس] moderation or limitation; controlling force; loss of freedom; control of feelings | |
[بقايا] pertinent; having a connection with the matter at hand |
[بصق] minor dispute; brief quarrel | |
[استرداد] recover; find and bring in; get back | |
[تزدهر] make steady progress; prosper; flourish | |
[القذف] defamation; false and malicious statement or report about someone |
[استرداد] recover; find and bring in; get back | |
[إنهاء] end of something in time or space; result or outcome; conclusion | |
[سادية] inclined to cruelty; deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on another | |
[أسوأ] be better than; defeat; gain the advantage over |
[القذف] defamation; false and malicious statement or report about someone | |
[الشام] pretend; put on a false appearance of; feign | |
[العزاء] comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress | |
[بقايا] pertinent; having a connection with the matter at hand |
[نقل] carry from one place to another; carry away; deport | |
[العلاجية] curative; having or exhibiting healing powers; relating to the healing art | |
[عابر] momentary; temporary; staying for a short time | |
[القذف] defamation; false and malicious statement or report about someone |
[العزاء] comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress | |
[الشام] pretend; put on a false appearance of; feign | |
[بقايا] pertinent; having a connection with the matter at hand | |
[مملة] tiresome because of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly |
[خياطة] joining two surfaces or edges together along a line by sewing; the material used in sewing | |
[بصق] minor dispute; brief quarrel | |
[التسليم] translation, often interpretive; performance of a musical or dramatic work | |
[نقل] carry from one place to another; carry away; deport |
[ثابت] having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary | |
[اللجوء] one that is turned or applied to for aid or security; resort for help or protection; access or admittance | |
[المضيع] very cautious; on guard; watchful | |
[المرابح] advertize in strongly positive terms; praise excessively; show off |
[أسوأ] be better than; defeat; gain the advantage over | |
[اللجوء] one that is turned or applied to for aid or security; resort for help or protection; access or admittance | |
[شارع رودي] feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for; mourn | |
[خياطة] joining two surfaces or edges together along a line by sewing; the material used in sewing |