Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[침입] unlawfully enter boundaries of some else's property; commit an offense or a sin | |
[분노] indignation; a deep sense of injury; strong displeasure | |
[사신] one who harvests grain, especially a machine for harvesting grain or pulse crops | |
[경계] watchfulness; wakefulness; a process of paying close and continuous attention |
[복제] copy or reproduction of a work of art | |
[날씨] endure or survive the effects of wind, rain, or other forces | |
[별의] outstanding; principal; of or consisting of stars | |
[말다툼] minor dispute; brief quarrel |
[지우다] cancel; make void; repeal or annul | |
[뱀파이어] ghostly beings that suck the blood of the living; person, such as extortionist, who preys upon others | |
[침입] unlawfully enter boundaries of some else's property; commit an offense or a sin | |
[유인원] like an ape or monkey |
[와동] whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; spiral motion of fluid within a limited area | |
[대뇌] recover; find and bring in; get back | |
[결절] tie with rope; fasten or restrict with rope or chain | |
[레퍼토리] list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills |
[분노] indignation; a deep sense of injury; strong displeasure | |
[취소] void or annul by recalling, withdrawing, or reversing; cancel; retract | |
[악명을] knowledgeable; resulting from deliberation and careful thought | |
[산란] lay eggs; produce offspring in large numbers |
[휘발성] tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence | |
[거친] rude; sullenly ill-humored; gloomy; threatening, as of weather conditions | |
[사신] one who harvests grain, especially a machine for harvesting grain or pulse crops | |
[양념] experienced, especially in terms of a profession or a hobby; aged or processed |
[온도] relating to or caused by heat; designed to help retain heat | |
[전이] going from one state of action to another | |
[스펙트럼] the colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism; a range of values | |
[연주를] translation, often interpretive; performance of a musical or dramatic work |
[취소] void or annul by recalling, withdrawing, or reversing; cancel; retract | |
[양심] the pain of a guilty conscience; feeling of deep regret | |
[별의] outstanding; principal; of or consisting of stars | |
[경계] watchfulness; wakefulness; a process of paying close and continuous attention |
[임시] hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive | |
[자막] tiresome because of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly | |
[전이] going from one state of action to another | |
[와동] whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; spiral motion of fluid within a limited area |
[명칭] narrate or tell; count over again | |
[휘발성] tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence | |
[결절] tie with rope; fasten or restrict with rope or chain | |
[대뇌] recover; find and bring in; get back |