Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 2 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[неопределенный] uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite | |
[медлить] postpone or delay needlessly; put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness | |
[душным] warm and extremely humid; moist; damp; moldy | |
[неукротимой] unconquerable; incapable of being overcome |
[наглость] offensively bold behavior; the trait of being rude | |
[инновационных] marked by or given to innovations; introducing a change | |
[неукротимой] unconquerable; incapable of being overcome | |
[гибкая] flexible; moving and bending with ease |
[Pinnacle] peak; tall pointed formation, such as mountain peak | |
[недомогание] general sense of depression or unease; vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness | |
[Многоязычный] using or having ability to use several languages | |
[островной] of isolated people, especially having a narrow viewpoint |
[показной] showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention | |
[мамонта] gigantic; of great comparative size | |
[незначительные] very small; tiny; lowercase letter | |
[жалобно] expressing sorrow, mournful or melancholy; sad |
[Pinnacle] peak; tall pointed formation, such as mountain peak | |
[хам] an awkward and stupid person; troublemaker, often violent | |
[толстокожее животное] any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals, as elephant | |
[Многоязычный] using or having ability to use several languages |
[Пандемия] widespread; affecting majority of people | |
[отступ] concave cut into a surface or edge; small hollow or depression | |
[наглость] offensively bold behavior; the trait of being rude | |
[оптика] maker and seller of eyeglasses |
[злобного] disagreeable and contrary in disposition; mean or coarse | |
[оптика] maker and seller of eyeglasses | |
[незначительные] very small; tiny; lowercase letter | |
[приписать] lay responsibility or blame for, often unjustly |
[показной] showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention | |
[Многоязычный] using or having ability to use several languages | |
[маниакального] wildly disordered; excessive enthusiasm or excitement; insane | |
[интроспективный] looking within oneself; thoughtful about oneself; studying or exhibiting one's own internal state |
[окраина] part or region remote from a central district, as of a city or town; fringe; outer border | |
[гибкая] flexible; moving and bending with ease | |
[Перефразируя] restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify the thought of others | |
[ядро] central or vital part; most material and central part; grain or seed as of corn |
[толстокожее животное] any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals, as elephant | |
[инфинитезимальных] very small; immeasurably or incalculably minute | |
[островной] of isolated people, especially having a narrow viewpoint | |
[случайный] happening, as an occasional event, without regularity; coming without design |