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 3000 Level 3 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [誹謗] slandering; act of discrediting from someone's reputation

Spelling Word: detraction
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v. [解散,解體] loose bands of; set free; disunite; scatter

Spelling Word: disband
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v. [分發,擴散,散佈] distribute; spread; scatter like seeds

Spelling Word: disseminate
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a. [熱情的,激動的] showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm

Spelling Word: ebullient
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n. [輓歌,悲歌] poem or song expressing lamentation;  mournful poem

Spelling Word: elegy
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v. [開脫,洗脫] pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

Spelling Word: exculpate
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n. [放逐,被放逐者] someone who has withdrawn from his native land

Spelling Word: expatriate
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v. [解釋,澄清] explain; make clear the meaning of; unfold meaning or sense of

Spelling Word: explicate
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n. [霸權,盟主權] domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by political group or nation over others

Spelling Word: hegemony
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a. [園藝的] pertaining to cultivation of gardens or orchards

Spelling Word: horticultural