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 3000 Level 3 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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n. [衣服] clothing; garments; dress; garb; costume

Spelling Word: raiment
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v. [重建] reconstruct sentence or story; present ideas in a new or different arrangement

Spelling Word: recast
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n. [累犯,慣犯] habitual return to crime; committing new offenses after being punished for a crime

Spelling Word: recidivism
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n. [修訂,彌補,補償] act of putting something in working order again; act or process of making amends; compensation

Spelling Word: reparation
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n. [恢復,重新開始] resuming; beginning again; recommencement

Spelling Word: resumption
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v. [復活] rise again; sweep or surge back again

Spelling Word: resurge
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v. [流鼻涕,啜泣] run at the nose; snuffle; whine; talk in a tearful manner

Spelling Word: snivel
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a. [催眠的] sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness

Spelling Word: soporific
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a. [有細條紋的] having parallel lines or grooves on surface

Spelling Word: striated
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v. [征服] conquer; bring under control

Spelling Word: subjugate