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 3000 Level 1 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [摄生法] prescribed diet and habits; a systematic plan for therapy; governmental rule or control

Spelling Word: regimen
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a. [治疗的,补救的] corrective; intended for remedy or for removal of evil; intended to improve skills

Spelling Word: remedial
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a. [应该谴责的] deserving blame; admonition; blameworthy

Spelling Word: reprehensible
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n. [斯堪的纳维亚的传说,传奇] any legend; long detailed report; Scandinavian myth

Spelling Word: saga
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n. [挖苦,讽刺] a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound; stinging rebuke; a form of humor by mocking with irony

Spelling Word: sarcasm
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a. [以次充好的,赝品] made of or containing inferior material; not genuine; of low rank; poor quality or craft

Spelling Word: shoddy
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v. [大摇大摆,高视阔步] display in order to impress others; swagger; walk with a lofty proud gait

Spelling Word: strut
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a. [屈服的,胆怯的] yielding; inclined or ready to submit

Spelling Word: submissive
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n. [监视,监督] watching; inspection; close observation of a person or group; supervision

Spelling Word: surveillance
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v. [提供,扩充] offer formally; extend; propose a payment

Spelling Word: tender