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 3000 Level 2 - 1 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [暗指,暗示] indirect reference; symbolical reference or comparison; metaphor

Spelling Word: allusion
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ad. [扭曲的,歪曲的] in a position that is turned toward one side; away from the correct course

Spelling Word: awry
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a. [猥褻的,下流的,賣淫的] indecent; obscene; humorously coarse

Spelling Word: bawdy
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v. [爭吵] engage in a petty, bad-tempered quarrel

Spelling Word: bicker
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a. [粗魯,笨拙] rude and clumsy in behavior; ungentlemanly; awkward in manners

Spelling Word: boorish
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n. [簡短,短暫] quality or state of being brief in duration; concise expression

Spelling Word: brevity
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v. [嚇唬] bully; intimidate; discourage or frighten with threats

Spelling Word: browbeat
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n. [友情] good-fellowship; companionship; close friendship in friends or teammates

Spelling Word: camaraderie
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n. [彈弓,彈射器] slingshot; hurling machine; military machine for hurling missiles, used in ancient and medieval times

Spelling Word: catapult
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n. [導瀉,通便,疏泄] purging or cleansing of any passage of body

Spelling Word: catharsis