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 3000 Level 2 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [鳴不平的,易發牢騷的] habitually complaining; expressing complaint or grievance

Spelling Word: querulous
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v. [批准,認可] approve formally; confirm; verify

Spelling Word: ratify
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n. [名望] fame; quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

Spelling Word: renown
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v. [譴責] reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way; rebuke formally; censure severely or angrily

Spelling Word: reprimand
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n. [流氓,無賴] one that is dishonest or troublemaker, especially an impish youngster

Spelling Word: scamp
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v. [躊躇,憂鬱] hesitate as a result of conscience or principle

Spelling Word: scruple
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a. [像蛇一樣扭動的,蜿蜒的,曲折的] winding; twisting; curving in alternate directions; having the shape or form of a snake

Spelling Word: serpentine
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n. [小規模戰爭,小打小鬧] minor battle in war; minor or preliminary conflict or dispute

Spelling Word: skirmish
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a. [靜止的,單調的] not moving or flowing; lacking vitality or briskness; stale; dull

Spelling Word: stagnant
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n. [供應,配額,限制] length of time spent in a particular way; allotted amount; limitation or restriction

Spelling Word: stint