Describe A Gift You Would Like To Buy For Your Friend

IELTS speaking questions and sample answers for 'Describe A Gift You Would Like To Buy For Your Friend', include part 2 cue cards and part 3 follow-up questions. You can also practice these questions and answers by merging them into a full-size speaking mock test.

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Part 2
what gift you would like to buy and who you would like to give it to
A gift I would like to buy for my best friend, Sarah, is a pair of Sparkling ...
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why you would like to buy a gift for your friend
I want to give this gift to Sarah because she is a very special person in my ...
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and explain why you choose that gift
I chose these earrings because they symbolize love and appreciation. The heart ...
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Part 3
1. When do people usually send gifts to others?
People usually send gifts on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, ...
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2. Do people in your country give gifts at traditional festivals?
Yes, people in India exchange gifts during traditional festivals like Diwali, ...
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3. Is it hard to choose a gift?
Yes, choosing a gift can be challenging, especially when you want it to be ...
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4. Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?
People may feel happy when receiving an expensive gift, but its actual value ...
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