Describe A Special Cake You Received From Others

IELTS speaking questions and sample answers for 'Describe A Special Cake You Received From Others', include part 2 cue cards and part 3 follow-up questions. You can also practice these questions and answers by merging them into a full-size speaking mock test.

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Part 2
when it was and who gave it to you
One of the most memorable cakes I ever received was on my birthday last year, ...(Available for VIP only.)
The cake itself was perfectly crafted — it had rich, creamy layers of ...(Available for VIP only.)
and explain why this cake was so special
When I finally took a bite, it was heavenly—soft, moist, and perfectly sweet, ...(Available for VIP only.)
I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, not only because of the delicious ...(Available for VIP only.)

Part 3
1. Is any food in your country eaten at particular times or on special occasions?
Yes, many Indian foods are enjoyed during specific times and special occasions ...(Available for VIP only.)
2. What are the differences between exceptional food in your country and other countries?
Exceptional Indian food stands out for its rich flavors, diverse spices, and ...(Available for VIP only.)
3. Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?
Primarily, food is deeply connected to celebration. It's a way to create ...(Available for VIP only.)

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