Describe An Occasion When You Forgot Something Important

IELTS speaking questions and sample answers for 'Describe An Occasion When You Forgot Something Important', include part 2 cue cards and part 3 follow-up questions. You can also practice these questions and answers by merging them into a full-size speaking mock test.

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Part 2
when it happened and what you forgot
The incident occurred on a blustery Saturday afternoon last November, a few ...(Available for VIP only.)
why you forgot it
My day started with an unexpected surge of urgent emails from work demanding ...(Available for VIP only.)
I raced to the bakery, hoping against hope they'd still be open. The lights ...(Available for VIP only.)
and how you felt about it
I felt a cocktail of emotions: shame, frustration, and immense guilt. I'd ...(Available for VIP only.)

Part 3
1. What do people normally forget?
People commonly forget everyday items like keys, wallets, and phones, often ...(Available for VIP only.)
2. Why would people forget things?
People forget things due to various factors: Stress and fatigue overload the ...(Available for VIP only.)
3. How to improve memory?
To improve memory, get enough sleep, and maintain a healthy diet. Exercise ...(Available for VIP only.)

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