Exciting Activities: IELTS Speaking Part 1

IELTS speaking part 1 questions and sample answers for 'Exciting Activities'. You can also practice the topic by merging it into a full-size speaking mock test.

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Part 1
1. Have you ever tried any exciting activities?
Because I have light acrophobia, I haven't tried many exciting activities; ...
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2. What exciting activities did you do when you were a child?
As a child, I participated in many exciting activities, such as playing with ...
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3. Has anything exciting happened to you recently?
Recently, I went to a serene beach with crystal-clear waters. The sunset was ...
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4. Would you prefer to have an adventurous holiday or a relaxing one?
I prefer to have an adventurous vacation. I am planning my next vacation to ...
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5. Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?
Absolutely, I would love to try both scuba diving and bungee jumping. Scuba ...
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