glutton | /'glʌt(ə)n/ n. (暴饮暴食者,饭桶) person who eats too much food and drink |
gossamer | /'gɒsəmə(r)/ a. (蛛丝,薄纱,轻而薄的) sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous |
gregarious | /grɪ'gɛərɪəs/ a. Syn. sociable (社交的,群居) sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others |
grimace | /grɪ'meɪs/;/'grɪməs/ n. (扭曲的脸,做鬼脸) facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust |
hail | /heɪl/ n. (请求,敬礼,致意) call for; salute; greet; praise vociferously |
harangue | /hə'ræŋ/ n. (夸大的讲话) noisy speech; speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression |
harbinger | /'hɑrbɪndʒə(r)/ n. Syn. forerunner (先驱,先兆) forerunner; an indication of approach of something or someone |
haughty | /'hɔ:tɪ/ a. (傲慢的,自大的) high; lofty; bold; arrogant; overbearing |
heedless | /'hi:dlɪs/ a. Syn. disregarding (轻蔑的,不理睬的) unaware, without noticing; unmindful or thoughtless |
heinous | /'heɪnəs/ a. Syn. wicked; atrocious; flagitious (可恶的,令人深恶痛绝) grossly wicked; abominable; hateful; infamous |
heresy | /'hɛrɪsɪ/ n. (少数意见,异端) opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion |
hiatus | /haɪ'eɪtəs/ n. Syn. gap; pause (缝隙,短暂的空白) gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause |
histrionic | /hɪstrɪ'ɒnɪk/ a. (戏剧性的) characteristic of acting or stage performance |
hoax | /hoʊks/ n. Syn. trick (伎俩,小聪明) act intended to deceive or trick; practical joke |
hovel | /'hɒv(ə)l/;/'hɒvl/ n. Syn. shack (小屋) shack; small, wretched house |
hyperbole | /haɪ'pɜrbəlɪ/ n. Syn. exaggeration; overstatement (夸张) figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis; overstatement |
hypothesis | /haɪ'pɒθəsɪs/ n. Syn. assumption; theory (假设,假说) assumption; theory |
idiosyncrasy | /ɪdɪə'sɪŋkrəsɪ/ n. (特性,特质,古怪的,离心的) behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual |
ignominy | /'ɪgnəmɪnɪ/ n. (丢脸,抹黑,耻辱) deep disgrace; shame or dishonor |
immaculate | /ɪ'mækjʊlət/ a. Syn. spotless; flawless (无暇的) spotless; flawless; absolutely clean |