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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 3 - 2 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
dilate |
v. [広げる] make wider or larger; cause to expand; enlarge; widen I just had an eye exam, and that eye drops that dilate your eyes make things fuzzy! |
New Known Review |
diminish |
v. [減少] dwindle; reduce; make smaller or less or to cause to appear so The only way to diminish mistakes is to bring competitors into the game. |
New Known Review |
dimly |
ad. [ほのぼの] vaguely; in a dim or obscure manner; with dull or imperfect vision or a faint light; not brightly or clearly He can recall dimly once or twice having seen Uncle Lyle. |
New Known Review |
disadvantage |
n. [欠点] drawback; defect; hinder; unfavorable condition or circumstance The main disadvantage is the installation cost, which is considerably more than a tank heater. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
discernible |
a. [識別] distinguishable; perceptible; capable of being seen or noticed Many things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
discomfort |
n. [不快] distress; uneasiness; mental or bodily distress What pain or discomfort has caused you to want to make this change? |
New Known Review |
discontented |
a. [不満] dissatisfied; restlessly unhappy; uneasy in mind Everyone who was in distress and everyone in debt, and everyone who was discontented, gathered themselves unto him. |
New Known Review |
discount |
v. [ディスカウント] give a reduction in price on I never discount these books; they sell like hotcakes. |
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New Known Review |
disguise |
n. [変装] dress or exterior put on for purposes of concealment or of deception The ring, Adele, is in my breeches-pocket, under the disguise of a sovereign. |
New Known Review |
disintegrate |
v. [崩壊] fall apart; become reduced to components, fragments, or particles Officers worry the Iraqi Army will disintegrate after the US draws down. |
New Known Review |
dismal |
a. [憂鬱] causing gloom or depression; dreary; somber; melancholy Fleming said he had left his party because of a dismal lack of democracy in party structures. |
New Known Review |
disorganize |
v. [組織を壊す] disarrange; disorder; destroy the organization; make less organized It takes a short while to disorganize a team in a critical situation. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
displace |
v. [変位] move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave a homeland This war will displace lots of refugees from their villages. |
New Known Review |