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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 3 - 4 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
refreshing |
a. [さわやか] invigorating; energizing; pleasantly new or different White is also cooling and refreshing, which is why people love to wear it in hot weather. |
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refute |
v. [理念] disprove; prove to be false or incorrect The defense called several respectable witnesses who were able to refute the prosecution's sole witness's false testimony. |
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register |
v. [登録] give outward signs of; express; record in writing; enroll as a student New students will have to register tomorrow before getting their books. |
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relaxed |
a. [自立] easygoing; made less tense or rigid; relieved In the last year, the Australian government has introduced legislation to tighten up relatively relaxed domestic security. |
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release |
v. [リリース] give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available He wanted to release the list with the names of the prisoners before Monday. |
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relieve |
v. [リラックス緩和] free from a burden; alleviate; save from ruin International contractors led by the French started tunneling under this city of fifteen million to help relieve traffic congestion. |
New Known Review |
remark |
n. [コメント] expression, in speech or writing, of something, remarked or noticed It was this last remark that had made the whole party look so grave and anxious. |
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renovation |
n. [リフォーム] improving by renewing and restoring; state of being restored to its former good condition; renewal After a long renovation, you look much better. |
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repel |
v. [撃退] force or drive back; disgust; offer resistance to; fight against Poles of the same name repel each other; poles of unlike name attract each other. |
New Known Review |
replenish |
v. [補充] fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to Before she could take another backpacking trip, Carla had to replenish her stock of freeze-dried foods. |
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replicate |
v. [複製] duplicate, copy, reproduce, or repeat; fold over or bend back Because he had always wanted a palace, Donald decided to replicate the Tai Mahal in miniature on his estate. |
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New Known Review |
reproduce |
v. [再現] have offspring or young; duplicate; make a copy The deer and hare in our neighborhood reproduce madly. |
New Known Review |
repugnance |
n. [嫌悪] extreme dislike or aversion; opposition; conflict; resistance, in a physical sense I can still recall my repugnance when I was told that dirty story. |