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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 4 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
rift |
n. [リフト] a shallow area in a waterway; break in friendly relations; narrow fissure in a rock Capello believes there will be no long-term rift between the fans and the Manchester United star. |
New Known Review |
rigid |
a. [剛性] stiff and unyielding; strict; not flexible Without integration, we are stuck in rigid, inflexible states and face chaotic feelings or thought. |
New Known Review |
rigidity |
n. [剛性] stiffness; the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending With such a supple, sensitive, and compassionate mind, rigidity is something you need never worry about. |
New Known Review |
rigor |
n. [硬直] strictness or severity, as in temperament, action, or judgment; something hard to endure Many settlers could not stand the rigor of the New England winters. |
New Known Review |
riot |
n. [暴動] state of disorder involving group violence; rebellion She said her main fear was that she would become the focus of a riot once people knew she was in prison. |
New Known Review |
rip |
v. [リッピング] tear or be torn violently; criticize or abuse forcefully and violently The candidates rip into their opponents, each other mercilessly. |
New Known Review |
roam |
v. [ローミング] wander; ramble; stroll Sometimes known as Europe's tiger, the continent's only native wild cat does roam Spain, Portugal, and southern France. |
New Known Review |
robust |
a. [堅牢] vigorous; full of health and strength; vigorous Those levels are expected to remain robust this year, said the rating firm, but be somewhat below 2008. |
New Known Review |
rod |
n. [ライバル] stick; a long thin implement made of metal or wood The curtain rod is hung too low and is the wrong color. |
New Known Review |
roost |
n. [ねぐら] a place, such as a branch of a tree, where birds rest or sleep I'm surprised that you didn't hear any gobbles from the roost. |
New Known Review |
rotation |
n. [回転] revolution; an act of rotating as if on an axis The rotation of the dancer kept time with the music. |
New Known Review |
routine |
n. [ルーチン] unvarying or habitual method of procedure; occurring at fixed times or predictable intervals I believe she was happy in her way: this routine sufficed for her. |
New Known Review |
rugged |
a. [堅牢] uneven; rough; very difficult At last, he passed the rugged competitive examination. |
New Known Review |
ruin |
n. [遺跡は] a destroyed person, object, or building; debris Thanks to them, a country on the brink of ruin is now stabilizing and showing signs of moving forward. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
rustproof |
a. [錆] treated against rusting; resistant to rust, oxidation, and corrosion It was made of rustproof alloy. |
New Known Review |
saline |
a. [敬礼] salty; containing salt; of or relating to chemical salts You can purchase a saline solution in the drug store. |