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n. [đấu] combat between two persons; fought with deadly weapons by agreement;
A fight-to-the-last-breath duel is often more compelling than merely a parade of highlight plays.
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v. [làm kinh ngạc] fill with astonishment and perplexity; confound
That he could shop for them on would dumbfound him; it would be a wonderful experience he never had before.
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n. [lừa bằng giấy] backward in book learning; child or another person dull or weak in intellect; dullard or dolt
It is very impolite to call others a dunce.
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v. [suy nhược] shrink; reduce in size; become less
The food in the lifeboat gradually had to dwindle away to nothing; in the end, they ate the ship's cook.
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n. [sinh thái] science of the relationships between organisms and their environments
He has actual professional qualifications in ecology and conservation.
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n. [thuốc] intense joy or delight; any overpowering emotion
A researcher a year ago published startling research showing that the drug commonly known as ecstasy can cause Parkinson's-like brain damage.
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n. [xoáy] swirling current of water, air; flow in a circular current
The water in the tide pool was still, except for an occasional eddy.
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a. [biên tập] of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor
I have made a lot of editorial changes in their book.
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a. [eerie] suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious
In that eerie setting, it was easy to believe in ghosts and other supernatural beings.
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v. [chùi] rub or wipe out; make indistinct as if by rubbing
He handled the coin so many times to efface its date.
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a. [công hiệu] able to produce the desired effect; valid
Because of the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria, many once useful antibiotics are no longer effectual in curing bacterial infections.
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a. [đàn hồi] springing back; having the power of rebounding; able to return quickly to a former state or condition
The strong, elastic wood of this tree, used for furniture, tool handles, and sporting goods such as baseball bats.
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a. [già] somewhat old; advanced beyond middle age
Supplying daycare services for the elderly is a business that is certain to continue to grow in the coming decades.
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a. [điện] pertaining to electricity;  electric
There are many lights and electrical instruments on the computer console.
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v. [sáng tỏ] make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify
He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.
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v. [elude] avoid cleverly; escape the perception of
The logic of the concluding paragraph seems to elude me.
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v. [xông] come or send forth from a source, used chiefly of an intangible thing, as light
Angry voices emanate from the next room.  
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v. [bắt tay] commence; go onboard a boat or airplane; begin a journey
We will embark upon a new career in this city.
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n. [Đại sứ quán] the diplomatic building where ambassadors live or work; diplomatic representatives headed by an ambassador
They went over almost immediately today to sign the condolence book at the British embassy.
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a. [ngọc lục bảo] of precious stone of rich green color; of a rich green color
That emerald curtain doesn't match the brown floor.
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