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Level 5 - 2 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
emulate |
v. [подражать] be a match or counterpart for; eager to equal or excel A brief essay describes a person you admire, someone whose virtues you would like to emulate. |
New Known Review |
enamored |
a. [влюбленных] totally in love; marked by a foolish or unreasoning fondness Narcissus became enamored of his own beauty. |
New Known Review |
enchant |
v. [очаровывать] charm by sorcery; get control of by magical words and rites She used to enchant the flowers you sent her. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
encomium |
n. [панегирик] high praise; formal expression of praise; a tribute Uneasy with the encomium expressed by his supporters, Tolkien felt unworthy of such high praise. |
New Known Review |
endorse |
v. [одобрить] acknowledge by signing a bill, draft, or other instruments; approve; support Does John endorse all of the comments attached to his articles? |
New Known Review |
enforce |
v. [исполнения] put force upon; force; constrain; compel; put in motion or action by violence Can the police enforce the same rule to avoid another Rodney King incident? |
New Known Review |
engender |
v. [порождают] cause; bring into existence; give rise to To receive praise for real accomplishments would engender self-confidence in a child. |
New Known Review |
enigma |
n. [Enigma] puzzle; difficult problem 'What do women want?' asked Dr. Sigmund Freud; their behavior was an enigma to him. |
New Known Review |
enlist |
v. [заручиться] enter on a list; enroll; register; engage for military or naval service It seems strange that all around me do not burn to enlist but join in the same enterprise. |
New Known Review |
enmity |
n. [вражды] ill will; hatred; quality or state of being hostile At Camp David, President Carter labored to bring an end to the enmity that prevented Egypt and Israel's peaceful coexistence. |
New Known Review |
ennui |
n. [скука] the feeling of being bored by something tedious The monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling of ennui that made him moody and irritable. |
New Known Review |
ensue |
v. [наступить] pursue; follow or come afterward; follow as a consequence The evils ensue from the lack of a stable government. |
New Known Review |
ensure |
v. [обеспечения] make sure or certain; insure; assure For example, to ensure data security, a publicly held company will need to control who has access to financial records. |
New Known Review |
enthrall |
v. [восторг] capture; attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence; hold in bondage or subjection From the moment he saw her picture, her beauty should enthrall him. |
New Known Review |
entice |
v. [соблазнять] attract by arousing hope or desire That would give a much-needed boost to the export industry and again entice foreign capital into the country. |
New Known Review |
entreat |
v. [умоляю] plead; make the earnest request of; ask for earnestly She had to entreat her father to let her stay out till midnight. |