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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 3 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[بيان صحفي] give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available | |
[استعادة] give or bring back; return to its original condition | |
[المشورة التقنية] draw upon; strike lightly; make good use of | |
[الموقع] framework; an internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape |
[الموقع] framework; an internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape | |
[استعادة] give or bring back; return to its original condition | |
[المواصفات] instruction; description; an act of specifying or making a detailed statement | |
[لرد] force or drive back; drive back; refuse; disgust |
[بيان صحفي] give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available | |
[غير مستغلة الترقية] raise to a higher grade or standard; advance | |
[حصيلة] record by making a mark; reckon or count; keep score | |
[استعادة] give or bring back; return to its original condition |
[جزاء] give authorization or approval to something; penalize a state, especially for violating international law | |
[عرضة] easily influenced; having little resistance, as to a disease; receptive to | |
[تخويف] frighten; alarm; strike with sudden fear | |
[تأخر] lateness; delay; sluggishness; state or quality of being tardy |
[لرد] force or drive back; drive back; refuse; disgust | |
[توحيد] integrate; make into or become one unit | |
[الإحساس] feeling; perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition | |
[مخطط] an elaborate and systematic plan of action; chart or outline of a system or object |
[احترام] honor or esteem; admire; aspect; detail or point | |
[تؤكد] draw a mark or line under; emphasize; stress | |
[المتغير] factor; something that is likely to vary; changeable; inconstant | |
[مكوك] go, move, or travel back and forth by |
[صاروخ] increase rapidly; rise quickly; soar | |
[تأخر] lateness; delay; sluggishness; state or quality of being tardy | |
[لرد] force or drive back; drive back; refuse; disgust | |
[الموقع] framework; an internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape |
[الانفرادي] isolated; existing, living, or going without others; alone; unaccompanied | |
[تاو] draw or pull behind by a chain or line | |
[تكرار] duplicate, copy, reproduce, or repeat; fold over or bend back | |
[المشورة التقنية] draw upon; strike lightly; make good use of |
[صاروخ] increase rapidly; rise quickly; soar | |
[خادع] lay eggs; produce offspring in large numbers | |
[ثلاثة أضعاف جنوني] huge; capable of making one tremble; terrible | |
[تاو] draw or pull behind by a chain or line |
[تأخر] lateness; delay; sluggishness; state or quality of being tardy | |
[صحية] relating to health or the protection of health | |
[التخمين] guess; infer something without sufficiently conclusive evidence | |
[مقبب] having a hemispherical vault or dome |