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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 4 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[冷藏,冷卻] deliberately lowering the body's temperature for therapeutic purposes | |
[詩,韻文] writing that is arranged in short lines with a regular rhythm; poetry | |
[緊張(狀態),壓力] the action of stretching something tight; anxiety; feelings of hostility | |
[填遲日期] be later in time |
[宗教的,祭祀的] concerned with religion; worthy of respect or dedication | |
[看得見的,可見的] being often in the public eye; obvious to the eye | |
[徹底改革,革命] completely change; dramatically change | |
[貿易保護主義者] an advocate of the policy of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports |
[不可靠的,有暗藏的危險的] dangerous; dangerously unstable and unpredictable; disloyal; tending to betray | |
[宇宙] cosmos; everything that exists anywhere | |
[貿易保護主義者] an advocate of the policy of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports | |
[徹底摧毀] destroy completely; scrape or shave off |
[人口稠密的,人口多的] crowded; having a lot of people living there | |
[保存,貯藏,保護] conservation; the act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged | |
[溫暖的,舒適的] a small secluded room; well and tightly constructed | |
[冷藏,冷卻] deliberately lowering the body's temperature for therapeutic purposes |
[限制,約束] act of keeping something within specified bounds; a principle that limits the extent of something | |
[子彈,子彈殼, 殼] the hard outer covering of something, especially nuts, eggs, and some animals | |
[宇宙] cosmos; everything that exists anywhere | |
[頭骨] a bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates |
[深刻的] deep; not superficial; far-reaching | |
[競爭,敵對狀態] competition; the act of competing as for a profit or a prize | |
[看得見的,可見的] being often in the public eye; obvious to the eye | |
[限制,約束] act of keeping something within specified bounds; a principle that limits the extent of something |
[子彈,子彈殼, 殼] the hard outer covering of something, especially nuts, eggs, and some animals | |
[生產] bring forward; lead forth; offer to view or notice; exhibit; cause to be or to happen | |
[(語音)音節] a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme | |
[紫色] chromatic color between red and blue; belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler |
[修剪,整飾] clip; cut down to the desired size or shape | |
[生產] bring forward; lead forth; offer to view or notice; exhibit; cause to be or to happen | |
[頭骨] a bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates | |
[在之前,早於,優先於] be or go before something or someone in time or space |
[生產] bring forward; lead forth; offer to view or notice; exhibit; cause to be or to happen | |
[誘惑人的] attractive; appealing to or attracting someone, even if wrong or inadvisable | |
[球體] ball; globe; a particular aspect of life or activity | |
[填遲日期] be later in time |
[類群,種類] a specific kind of something | |
[誘惑人的] attractive; appealing to or attracting someone, even if wrong or inadvisable | |
[生產] bring forward; lead forth; offer to view or notice; exhibit; cause to be or to happen | |
[在之前,早於,優先於] be or go before something or someone in time or space |