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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[사고] unexpected; happening by chance, unintentionally | |
[항공기] a vehicle that can fly, such as an airplane, helicopter, balloon | |
[위원회] special group delegated to consider some matter | |
[반대] reluctant; disinclined; turned away or backward; unwilling |
[반대] reluctant; disinclined; turned away or backward; unwilling | |
[항공기] a vehicle that can fly, such as an airplane, helicopter, balloon | |
[깜박 사랑] two-sided; mutual; involving two groups or countries | |
[외래] something added on or attached generally nonessential or inferior |
[사고] unexpected; happening by chance, unintentionally | |
[쿠션] soft pillow or pad usually used for sitting, reclining, or kneeling | |
[결합] blend; fuse; merge | |
[항공기] a vehicle that can fly, such as an airplane, helicopter, balloon |
[연마할] sharp-cornered; consisting of an angle or angles; stiff in manner | |
[클립] a small section of filmed or filed material | |
[도제] works for an expert to learn a trade; beginner; learner | |
[커뮤니티] society; a group of people living in the same locality and under the same government |
[외래] something added on or attached generally nonessential or inferior | |
[비뚤어진] urgently needed; absolutely necessary; essential; acute; crucial; decisive | |
[모듬] varied; consisting of various types mixed together | |
[아쿠아마린] of bluish-green color; of pale blue to light greenish-blue |
[정서] sentimental; emotional; emotionally charged | |
[추락] smash; collision; falling down or in pieces with a loud noise of breaking parts | |
[선언] state clearly; make known formally or officially | |
[시도] the action of trying at something |
[메마른 땅] property of not supporting life, no children, or unable to have children; defect of emotion, sensibility, or fervency | |
[결과] result; relation of a result to its cause; logical conclusion or inference | |
[침술] treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skin | |
[위원회] special group delegated to consider some matter |
[학사] unmarried men; the first or lowest academic degree conferred by universities and colleges | |
[괴롭히다] surround with armed forces; harass with requests | |
[만족] satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are | |
[결과] result; relation of a result to its cause; logical conclusion or inference |
[커뮤니티] society; a group of people living in the same locality and under the same government | |
[연간] yearly; each year; returning every year; year by year | |
[점토] very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired | |
[존중] willingness to carry out the wishes of others; great respect |