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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[माना जाता है] seemingly; believed or reputed to be the case | |
[विलो] trees usually having narrow leaves | |
[बचाने] rescue; preserve; make unnecessary; set aside for future use | |
[मूर्तिकला] statue; creating figures or designs in three dimensions |
[लदान] sending of cargo; an act of sending off something | |
[झेलने] stand up against; successfully resist; oppose with force or resolution | |
[तेजी से] steeply; changing suddenly in direction and degree; acutely | |
[प्रतीक] sign; something visible to represent something else invisible |
[कार्यभार] work that a person is expected to do in a specified time | |
[दरार] a shallow area in a waterway; break in friendly relations; narrow fissure in a rock | |
[बोलना] speak; express; send forth with the voice | |
[नींद] sleep; state of inactivity or dormancy |
[दाग] soiled or discolored; a symbol of disgrace or infamy; a natural spot of a color different from the gound | |
[खड़ी] soak; make thoroughly wet | |
[रहस्य] uncertain cognitive state; uncertainty | |
[लदान] sending of cargo; an act of sending off something |
[पर्याय] two words that can be interchanged in a context | |
[खड़ी] soak; make thoroughly wet | |
[उतारना] take something off a container | |
[बचाने] rescue; preserve; make unnecessary; set aside for future use |
[स्कैटर] sprinkle; disseminate; cause to separate and go in different directions | |
[पट्टी] remove the surface from | |
[बचत] resources; money saved | |
[छत] a row of houses built in a similar style; a level shelf of land with steep slopes |
[अकर्मण्यता] state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy | |
[बचत] resources; money saved | |
[जिद] persistent adherence to your ideas; being difficult to handle or overcome | |
[मानकीकरण मानदण्ड] ruler or tape that is three feet long; measure or standard used for comparison |
[डंठल] stem or central axis of the herbaceous plant; slender support or structure | |
[मानकीकरण मानदण्ड] ruler or tape that is three feet long; measure or standard used for comparison | |
[छत] a row of houses built in a similar style; a level shelf of land with steep slopes | |
[थोक व्यापारी] someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells them to merchants |
[अकर्मण्यता] state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy | |
[कमजोर] weaken by wearing away base or foundation; injure or impair; dig a mine or tunnel beneath | |
[पाई जाती हैं] represent; embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of | |
[माना जाता है] seemingly; believed or reputed to be the case |
[अवकाश ग्रहण करने वाले छिद्र] small opening; means of escape or release; outlet; hole for the escape of gas or air | |
[दाग] soiled or discolored; a symbol of disgrace or infamy; a natural spot of a color different from the gound | |
[अटूट] continuous, without interruption; intact | |
[खड़ी] soak; make thoroughly wet |