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Level 5 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[魔法] production of wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or agency of supposed spirits; use of spells or charms | |
[必死] highly excited with strong emotion; disordered or nervous activity | |
[都合の悪い] untimely; poorly chosen; inconvenient; unseasonable; unsuitable | |
[強制] put force upon; force; constrain; compel; put in motion or action by violence |
[経過] gliding, slipping, or gradual falling; unobserved or imperceptible progress; slip or error; failing in duty | |
[個性] the behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual | |
[おもてなし] act or practice of one who is hospitable; reception and entertainment of strangers or guests without reward | |
[夢中] capture; attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence; hold in bondage or subjection |
[果てし] being or seeming to be without an end; endless; tedious; continual | |
[格子] make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred | |
[解釈] explain or tell the meaning of; translate orally; decipher | |
[汚物] foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution |
[薄っぺらな] weak; feeble; limp; slight; vain; without strength or solidity | |
[罪] a very wrong and unfair action or situation; gross injustice or unrighteousness, wickedness | |
[強制] put force upon; force; constrain; compel; put in motion or action by violence | |
[追い立てる] urge with a long pointed stick; give heart or courage to |
[陽気] good-natured; marked by good cheer; cheerful and good-humored | |
[は見送る無償] given freely; unwarranted; granted without recompense; unearned | |
[悪魔] implacable or malicious foe; one who is diabolically wicked or cruel | |
[キラキラ] bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy |
[ホロコースト] great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire; massive slaughter | |
[ゲルマンは] related to the topic being discussed or considered; appropriate or fitting; relevant | |
[つまずく] be unsteady in purpose or action, as from loss of courage or confidence | |
[操作] opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion |
[ホイスト] raise; lift; elevate; raise to one's mouth to drink | |
[嫌がらせ] irritate or torment persistently; wear out; exhaust | |
[節だらけのは避けられない] unavoidable; incapable of being avoided or prevented | |
[解釈] explain or tell the meaning of; translate orally; decipher |
[経過] gliding, slipping, or gradual falling; unobserved or imperceptible progress; slip or error; failing in duty | |
[罪] a very wrong and unfair action or situation; gross injustice or unrighteousness, wickedness | |
[アイドル] useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; given rest and ease; avoiding work or employment; lazy | |
[preen、修復] impartial; fair; rightly balanced; equitable |
[厚かまし] offensively bold behavior; the trait of being rude | |
[誘惑] attract by arousing hope or desire | |
[ゲルマンは] related to the topic being discussed or considered; appropriate or fitting; relevant | |
[卑劣] of lowly origin; not noble in quality, character, or purpose; unworthy |
[厚かまし] offensively bold behavior; the trait of being rude | |
[冗談] be joyous, merry, and mirthful; excite mirth and gayety; keep amused or diverted | |
[果てし] being or seeming to be without an end; endless; tedious; continual | |
[おもてなし] act or practice of one who is hospitable; reception and entertainment of strangers or guests without reward |