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Level 5 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[стремительный] marked by sudden and violent force; hasty; impulsive and passionate | |
[палача] one who executes, especially one who puts a condemned person to death; an executor | |
[неисчерпаемый] incapable of being exhausted, emptied, or used up; unfailing; not to be wasted or spent | |
[Гектор] behave like a bully; swagger; intimidate or dominate in a blustering way |
[судебные] pertaining or appropriate to courts of justice, or a judge; sanctioned or ordered by a court | |
[палача] one who executes, especially one who puts a condemned person to death; an executor | |
[одобрить] acknowledge by signing a bill, draft, or other instruments; approve; support | |
[длительного] not essential or mandatory to achieve a goal; not reusable; suitable to be expended |
[гротеск] fantastic; comically hideous; unnatural in shape or size; abnormal | |
[веселье] merry or joyful activity; festivity; bright color or showiness, as of dress; finery | |
[коренных] native; originating where it is found | |
[легкая] done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; ready or fluent |
[гротеск] fantastic; comically hideous; unnatural in shape or size; abnormal | |
[Гектор] behave like a bully; swagger; intimidate or dominate in a blustering way | |
[хрупкий] physically weak; easily broken | |
[ублажать] give pleasure to; satisfy; indulge; make happy |
[скорбим] cause to be sorrowful; distress | |
[грязь] foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution | |
[неразрешимыми] difficult to manage or govern; stubborn; unyielding | |
[неисчерпаемый] incapable of being exhausted, emptied, or used up; unfailing; not to be wasted or spent |
[бесценный] valuable under estimation; inestimable; priceless | |
[ублажать] give pleasure to; satisfy; indulge; make happy | |
[жених] boy or young man; waiter; servant; man recently married, or about to be married; the bridegroom | |
[палача] one who executes, especially one who puts a condemned person to death; an executor |
[гротеск] fantastic; comically hideous; unnatural in shape or size; abnormal | |
[плоские] compliment someone, often insincerely and sometimes to win favor; enhance someone's vanity by praising them | |
[привлекать] wind around; connect with something; include necessarily; engage thoroughly | |
[мягкие] relaxing; not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected |
[исполнения] put force upon; force; constrain; compel; put in motion or action by violence | |
[плоские] compliment someone, often insincerely and sometimes to win favor; enhance someone's vanity by praising them | |
[жених] boy or young man; waiter; servant; man recently married, or about to be married; the bridegroom | |
[Гектор] behave like a bully; swagger; intimidate or dominate in a blustering way |
[веселье] merry or joyful activity; festivity; bright color or showiness, as of dress; finery | |
[решетка] make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred | |
[безнаказанности] freedom from punishment or harm; exemption from injury, suffering, or discomfort | |
[капот] covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment |
[решетка] make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred | |
[собака] a variety of domestic dog, having large, drooping ears; sidebar used to strengthen portions of gear of a vehicle | |
[легкомыслие] lack of seriousness; the lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate | |
[восхвалять] give praise to; glorify; celebrate or honor |