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  Level 3 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [可识别的] distinguishable; perceptible; capable of being seen or noticed

Spelling Word: discernible
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v. [陈列,显示] exhibit; present or hold up to view; show; demonstrate; give evidence of; manifest

Spelling Word: display
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n. [效力] efficiency; quality of being effective

Spelling Word: effectiveness
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n. [肘] hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm

Spelling Word: elbow
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a. [基本的,初级的] basic; fundamental; relating to the early stages of studying a subject

Spelling Word: elementary
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v. [侵蚀] eat away; wear away by abrasion; become worn

Spelling Word: erode
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a. [过度的,额外的] amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; surplus

Spelling Word: excess
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a. [过度的] greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; exceeding proper limits

Spelling Word: exorbitant
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a. [微弱的,模糊的,无力的] lacking strength or vigor; weak

Spelling Word: faint
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a. [最先的,最重要的,第一流的] leading; main; primary; first in time or place

Spelling Word: foremost