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  Level 4 - 1 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [аккредитации] authorize; commission; give credit for

Spelling Word: accredit
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n. [союзником] confederate; partner; collaborator

Spelling Word: ally
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a. [трудный] demanding great effort or labor; difficult

Spelling Word: arduous
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n. [привлечения] appeal; a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts

Spelling Word: attraction
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n. [призвание] activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment

Spelling Word: avocation
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a. [бисером] covered with beads of liquid

Spelling Word: beaded
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n. [биография] an account of the series of events making up a person's life;  accounts of people's life

Spelling Word: biography
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n. [литье] choice of actors to play particular roles in a play or movie

Spelling Word: casting
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n. [хор] any utterance produced simultaneously by a group

Spelling Word: chorus
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n. [муфта] device for gripping and holding; a tense, critical situation

Spelling Word: clutch