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  Level 4 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [освещения] degree of visibility of your environment

Spelling Word: illumination
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ad. [кстати] by chance; accidentally

Spelling Word: incidentally
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n. [разведки] ability to comprehend; understand and profit from experience; intellect; the power of cognition

Spelling Word: intelligence
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a. [межзвездной] between or among stars

Spelling Word: interstellar
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n. [близость] closeness, often affectionate; privacy; familiarity

Spelling Word: intimacy
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n. [соединения] connection; joint; intersection; crossing

Spelling Word: junction
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n. [лига] association; a group of people or countries who join together because they have the same interest

Spelling Word: league
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v. [ответственность] bound or obliged in law or equity

Spelling Word: liable
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n. [линии] direct descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry

Spelling Word: lineage
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a. [взаимной] common to or shared by two or more parties; shared

Spelling Word: mutual