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n. [स्तनपायी] warm-blooded vertebrate having skin covered with hair

Spelling Word: mammal
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ad. [स्पष्ट] very obviously, noticeably

Spelling Word: markedly
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n. [गणित] the science dealing with the logic of quantity and shape

Spelling Word: mathematics
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a. [पाप दुखी] very unhappy; full of misery; wretched

Spelling Word: miserable
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n. [आला] small concavity; a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it

Spelling Word: niche
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v. [विवरण] restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify the thought of others

Spelling Word: paraphrase
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ad. [निरंतर] throughout the year; continually; repeatedly

Spelling Word: perennially
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a. [सीधा] vertical; upright; intersecting at or forming right angles; too steep

Spelling Word: perpendicular
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v. [तुच्छ] spot; locate or identify with precision

Spelling Word: pinpoint
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n. [सादा] without elevations or depressions; flat; smooth; not rich; simple; without beauty; not handsome

Spelling Word: plain