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n. [Диалог] conversation; formal talks between opposing countries, political groups

Spelling Word: dialogue
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n. [внешние] outside; external or outward appearance

Spelling Word: exterior
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v. [запретить] not allow; prohibit; prevent

Spelling Word: forbid
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n. [основатель] a person who establishes an organization, business

Spelling Word: founder
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a. [ароматные] pleasant-smelling; odorous

Spelling Word: fragrant
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v. [хмуриться] look angry; wrinkle one's forehead; regard something with disapproval or distaste

Spelling Word: frown
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n. [плодотворность] quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth

Spelling Word: fruitfulness
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n. [фонд] money; capital; a reserve of money set aside for some purpose; finance; subsidize

Spelling Word: fund
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n. [величие] quality or condition of being grand; magnificence

Spelling Word: grandeur
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n. [смазка] oil; fat; state of being covered with unclean things

Spelling Word: grease